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I’m trying to use the restore version from the history feature. I was using it in the past, it was working. Now it’s not.

Restoring the desired version, the file reloads, and the history shows a new entry “Restored version” but when clicking ESC to leave the history mode the file goes back to the pre-restore version.

The “Restored version” shows the pre-restore version now 🤨 .

I keep encountering bugs all the time lately. History, yesterday one prototype interaction wasn’t working and then miraculously started working after 6h (even though I refreshed proto X times, and approached the case X ways, in the end initial approach started working), 2 days ago a single frame just disappeared.

Stop introducing changes, and start fixing bugs, they are getting out of control. Really.

This is the best piece of feedback this team(Figma) has ever gotten on their forums They should be able to figure where to fix or change but hard to believe that either nobody has tried to do this same step trying to achieve same goal or I or we must be pretty special 🙂
