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I believe I am experiencing a bug, but I am wondering if there is something I am doing wrong.

I have an app prototype that opens a donation bottom sheet as an overlay. On that overlay, I have input chips to quick-select a donation amount. On those input chips, I have the interactions set to on tap - set variable DonationAmt to a specified string then change to a variant I created with that input chip selected.

I put the set variable step first otherwise there is a small delay in that variable populating into a text field due to the smart animation on the input chip selected state.

The issue I am experiencing is that the on-tap event for the component on the overlay frame is not working. This is only happening when viewing the prototype on the browser. It works as expected on the mobile app. On the browser, it’s as if the click is interpreted as a drag. That single click is functioning like a held down click. The input chip state doesn’t change, and the variable is not set. It instead grabs the sheet and moves it like the drag interaction.

If I remove the set variable step, it functions as expected. Additionally, if I move the set variable step after the change state step, it functions as expected as well. Here is what the donation sheet looks like.

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out! I’m trying to reproduce this issue, Would you be able to share the file link with access to It won’t affect your billing. I hope I can investigate it further.



Thank you for the reply. I have modified the file for the workaround I mentioned (moving the set variable to a later step), so let me see if I can set up an example of the bugged behavior and email that over!

Hi, @y_toku - I got a bounce back from that email address. Can you confirm if that is the correct address? Thank you.

I think I misunderstood you. I shared the file with that email address now. Here is a link to the file.

Hi there,

Thanks a lot for sharing the file! I totally understood how that works and I think I could reproduce it. Please let me have some time to investigate it. I’ll let you know if there is anything I can share with you.

Thanks for your patience.


Hi there,

I couldn’t find a solution for this, so I’ve connected you with our support team via email. Someone from the team will reach out to you shortly!

Thanks for your patience.

