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Hi all, I am running into an issue where my prototype is previewing and displaying correctly for me, and not for some users. The issue is specifically related to hover states for certain objects. Below are 2 videos showing how they are behaving differently.

As I can’t replicate the issue, I can’t figure out where the problem is. Any help would be much appreciated!!

Figma – 18 Mar 24

Update: I realized the users were only seeing this behavior on cards with longer names that were being auto-truncated. For now, I’m making those names shorter as a workaround, but still looking for the cause (and permanent fix)!

Hi there! Hmm not sure why it is happening in this way.

Still, I checked your file in presentation view and confirm that your workaround works!

I’d suggest you to reach out directly to the support team with your video recording and please include a link to the file, and share it with by inviting directly as an editor (this won’t affect your billing at all) so they can take a closer look by filling this form: here Our support team so they can investigate further. Be also sure to use your Figma account email, thank you!
