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Hi all,

In short, I’ve shared the prototype and some people viewing it are reporting fonts are much bolder and even aligned incorrectly (left vs. centred) on elements using the same component. While everything displays fine for others. All in Chrome, on Mac.

Due to NDA, I can’t screenshot this.

As mentioned, they all use the same component. So there should be no differences other than the content - and there isn’t in my Figma file or when viewing the prototype. So makes no sense why it would be different for anyone else?

At first I thought this was just down to caching but I’ve shared the prototype link with 3 people who haven’t viewed the project before. And 1 didn’t get the issue, the other 2 did.

To add to the mystery, I asked a designer to go into the Figma file and they’re seeing the issue in the file. So in a grid of 5 products using the same component. Some text is bold and larger. Some left aligned, other text centred …and all are linked to a single component and saved text style.

So I’m absolutely stuck as to how to resolve this. Anyone have any ideas? Is there a way to force the file to ‘redraw’ or something (lol, dunno what I’m talking about).

Been using Figma for 3 years and never encountered this. We migrated Figma into a new organisation some months ago - only thing I can think of it’s something to do with that - but even then, these are new files so shouldn’t have an impact unless there’s caching/issue with requests with that?

Thanks, sorry for the long post and lack of screenshots but stuck due to client work/NDA.

It might be worth adding after some more testing…

  • One of the people who tested the prototype and it worked fine in Chrome, tried to link in Safari and it didn’t work. Even though they’d never opened or seen the link before.

  • Someone who the link didn’t work for (displayed inconsistencies), also tried the link in Incognito mode and got the same inconsistent formatting.

Very, very strange! Like it’s serving slightly different versions/not loading in full quite randomly! 🙃

Hey @Stephen_Moy1 ,

Thanks for reaching out to the community! These kinds of strange font issues are nearly always caused by the use of conflicting font files across your team. This means that editors on a file are using different versions of the font with slightly different sizing or spacing which then affects the file each time it is opened by someone with a different version.

Our Help Center has more information about resolving this kind of issue: Manage conflicting fonts

We suggest that you have all editors remove these fonts if they are locally installed and then all install the same version locally. You will then need to restart Figma to serve the correct font version. Alternatively, as it seems you are in Entreprise plan, you can ask all team members to delete their local font versions and ask an organization admin to upload the font files as shared fonts. You can read about that feature in our Help Center: Manage fonts in an organization

After installing the font files, if this is affecting component appearance you can launch quick commands (cmd /) then use the ‘Regenerate all instances’ tool to refresh all of your instances at the same time.

If it is affecting text or style appearance or settings outside of components you can use quick commands to “Select all with same font” and then “Recompute text layout in selection.”

If you have followed the above and are still experiencing issues, I’d recommend you to reach out to the support team: here

Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to the file if you are able to, and share it with as an Editor, so we can take a closer look. Thank you!

Thanks @Celine_Figma, I have had an issue before with different fonts for users. I didn’t think this would cause it as I was solely working on the design - but maybe it’s because other people with the same fonts installed viewed it?

Or maybe when I duplicated the file there was a bit of caching from when other users worked on the file previously? Even though I did edit/redo everything?

Anyways, we got there in the end and thanks for all the help/info! 🙂

Yes, this could happen (when other people with the same fonts installed viewed it and edited it for example.) Glad to hear it’s working now! 😃
