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Hi Figma!

I’m trying to find a solution for this, but not having any luck. My problem is as follows:

Pages were created using WIP styles (text, colour, grid etc) and since then we have created the finalised the styles, but some of the old styles were not replaced. I want to remove the old styles and remap them to the ‘proper’ library, but haven’t found an easy way to do this.

The ‘swap library’ functionality doesn’t work as the styles are differently named.

So far the only solution is to go through my entire file and manually find and replace all the rogue styles.

Please help!

style organiser is the plugin you are after


But this doesn’t solve this issue I believe. I’m facing the same issue. And when I tried the plugin, it doesn’t give me any option to choose the color I want the old colors to replace with. It just shows mea which style is used how many times and if not linked give me option to link it with style with same color value.

True. That plugin is not helping when trying to merge or swap styles between multiple libraries. About swaping there is a Figma function described here:

But this works more like a theme swapper. It basicly overwrites the remote styles that are used in the currently open file with other remote styles from another library that uses the same style and component names as that library that the current file was previously attached to.

The missing functionality here is to actually merge duplicate styles from multiple libraries. Meaning: You have dublicate styles in different files either as local styles or published styles or remote styles linked to different remote libraries that also are duplicates from the originaly published library. Probably you have simply copied styles from one file to another in the attempt to apply and update them easily. Then you published them multiple times. And all ended up in a complete mess.

Currently there is no easy way out of this. The only tool that seams to be able to solve this is:

