Pasted Illustrator vector art in Figma is scaled đź“Ź
I have an issue, where my icons are designed in Illustrator. When copying the icon from Illustrator into Figma, the artwork is scaled up.
An example from Illustrator (20px X 18px):
After pasting into Figma (26.68px X 24px):
The funny thing is, that if I create a basic square in Figma sized 16px X 16px, copy it as svg from Figma and paste it in Illustrator, it is still sized 16px X 16px. Then when copying that same square from Illustrator that I just pasted from Figma and paste it back into Figma it is scaled up.
I’m aware that I can “just” scale the icon in Figma after placing it, but it is very inconvenient - especially if you have a large icon library designed in Illustrator.
Hmm this looks very interesting. I am not sure on my end what might cause this, but I’ve reached out to the teams internally regarding this issue. Will get back to you once I’ve receive more information on this.
I’m experiencing the same issue: when copying from Illustrator to Figma, the 32x32 px icon gets scaled up to 42.67x42.67 px in Figma.
Struggled from this issue already for several days!
Hey everyone, I’ve seen that this issue is currently been investigated. I’ve passed your feedback to the teams. However, it seems to be a long standing bug and to be transparent there is not likely to be fix at this moment, but I will still keep you updated on this post if I should receive more information from the team.
Thank you,
Hi @Thomas_Cramer + @Glafira, I am unable to reproduce this with a simple Illustrator example. If either of you could provide a simple SVG here that reproduces the problem, along with the dimensions you copied from in Illustrator, that would be helpful. (Copying from Illustrator copies SVG to the clipboard so you can just copy there and paste the code directly to the reply field here!)
Hi Lauren
This could be an example. Dimensions is 18 x 18 px inside Illustrator and when copied and pasted inside Figma it is scaled to 24 x 24 px.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Seems to discard some of the code? Here’s a screenshot as well of the code when in edit mode in the comment:
I also cannot reproduce this. @Thomas_Cramer your SVG code includes width and height in centimeters and mine does not. Where does this come from? Can you try removing the width and height from the code, copy it and paste it into Figma? Does this change anything?
Here’s my SVG for example (32x32 copied from Illustrator to Clipboard):
Oh, also you can use the “Preformatted text” option in the comment editor to paste code like above.
This likely depends on the DPI of the document you are copying FROM. Not much Figma can do here, this needs to be adjusted in Illustrator. Figma’s workspace is set at 72 DPI.
Thanks @Gleb 🙌! It seems as if changing the resolution of my Illustrator document from 300 ppi to 72 ppi did the trick. Awesome! I actually thought .svg’s were independent of resolution. Learned something new today 👍
I changed the resolution as mentioned by @Gleb which seems to work in my case. I still get a width and height when pasting the copied artwork from Illustrator, but now it is not in centimeters.
This for sure is a new issue. I used to copy some vector icons from Illustrator to FIGMA. All sized the same. Just came across this issue and ended up here! Seems stroke weights are also scaled up.
Did you try changing the resolution of your Illustrator file? That was a workaround for my issue.
@Thomas_Cramer I did! Saw a few folks doing the same. When I got updated to the latest UI3 in FIGMA seems everything got resolved. Thanks for the suggestion! 🙏