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In prototype mode, the hover effect ("while hovering") sticks and does not disappear

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still an issue.


This is still a thing!

  • 1 reply
  • December 21, 2022

Still an issue! De hover state mostly goes when I wait but that can be embarrassing while I have a expo

  • Active Member
  • 109 replies
  • December 21, 2022

Too much interactive component troubles are happening
I can’t rely on Figma if what my customer sees/experiments is not what is intended!

  • Author
  • 39 replies
  • January 20, 2023

Almost 2 years have passed 😱 … and the problem has not been solved …


It’s nearly mid-2023. This is still happening.

How are we supposed to produce clickable prototypes that we can show to clients / colleagues if these basic, basic things aren’t reliable?

I can mock things up in CSS directly in CodePen, but I can’t really share that with collaborators.

Honestly, it’d just be nice to have a set of basic, consistent HTML/CSS-standard web forms elements, so we 1) don’t have to reinvent them from scratch with every project and 2) don’t have to fake them with rectangles and “states” like we used to do in the early 2000s with imagemaps.


No resolutions or tips on this? I was wondering what I was doing wrong - Quite basic bug and should be fixed

The problem is very much alive and well!
Can anyone recomand an alternative to Figma?


Still an issue! Hey Figma, please fix this 😢 At least, please give us an update, tell us that you’re working on it (if you are).

It’s super annoying and also makes user testing a bad experience

I am also having this issue when there are multiple interactions on hover. If i only have 1 interaction then it is working, but that won’t work for what i need. Mouse enter/leave also don’t work.
On hover → change to hover state & open overlay


Still same issue. Why isn’t this fixed when this thread was started over 2 years ago?


Solved. 🫣
The best workaround is to wrap the interactive component at the point of use in an extra frame and instead of attaching the on click interaction directly to the component, attaching it to the extra frame.

Steps to apply the fix:

  1. Create a master component with at least 3 states:
    a. Regular
    b. Hovered
    c. Selected
  2. Link the “Regular” state with “Hovered” using the “while hovering” interaction
  3. Add the instance of the component to your layout
  4. Wrap the instance in a frame
  5. Add “on click” interaction to the wrapping frame, not to the instance, that links the component with the target frame
  6. In the target frame use the “Selected” state for the instance

The selected state will remain selected on the target frame after navigating the prototype

  • New Member
  • 2 replies
  • September 12, 2023

Everyone in my org is experiencing this too. Screws up our user tests since interactive components don’t render as they ought to. None of the suggested fixes work for us and seem like unnecessary workarounds anyway.


Variables are cool, but echoing everyone else here: we really need these basic, essential things fixed.


Thanks for sharing. Not working for me, even with the “wrapping” trick.

Think they broke that when they revamped the state management.
That used to work perfectly well before, and I have an old proto using the old state management that works fine.

Any update from Figma on this problem? Thanks!

My use case:

  • I have cards components with three states: default, hover, selected
  • from the components themselves, I link the default state to the hover state while hovering
  • from the screen, I have an instance of my component that I link to another screen on click
  • The on click is not working, even if I wrap the component in a frame

NB I tried nearly all the workarounds listed, nothing works… Driving me mad.
This is really basic stuff.

  • 1 reply
  • September 15, 2023

I have the same bug that just appeared now, everything was working just fine, and then bang.
Are there any Figma support person even reading this topic??
When is this going to be fixed???
Please help us designers, because showing this to clients is a bad image on us and on you FIGMA 😛


same issue, it’s crazy how it still not got fixed.


The forum might be read by Figma support but what actually works is submitting a bug report and getting everyone else with the same issue to submit it too.

Issue still persists

Thanks to Agni_Kaster, I was able to successfully apply the fix and would like to share it here in this thread. Here’s what you need to do to make this headache go away:

Make a copy of your default state. Animate your “while hovering” variant to the new copy of your default and set it to the ‘mouse leave’ option in the animations DDL (a section above where “after delay” setting).

Hopefully there will be a fix in the near future but hope this helps somebody!

  • New Member
  • 15 replies
  • December 7, 2023

It’s also not viable. I have a data table populated mostly with components. It would take dozens of local copies just to populate the five sample rows.

The worst part is the sample data table is part of a design system test! It’s going to be very hard to explain this is a Figma bug and not a design system bug.

  • New Participant
  • 7 replies
  • January 26, 2024

Why is this still an issue? Have Figma not provided an official workaround for this, at least? Are we not using the logic properly? @Josh, this has been an issue for years now and is pretty essential in terms of prototyping concepts for a client.

There are threads full of people complaining about it back to 2020-2021. 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯


I think I managed to workaround this issue. I created a “mouse leave” interaction on the hover element, sending it back to the default state.


Still ongoing. I have used the mouse enter and mouse leave hack before, but that’s not sustainable nor a real fix. This bug must be fixed.


Please Figma

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