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I want this component to operate like a gwern hoverlink – When I hover over the text, the popup should appear. If I move my mouse away from the text and the popup, it should hide again. BUT – if move my mouse over the popup it should continue to stay visible, until the mouse leaves the popup.

I actually think this used to work by simply adding a delay to the mouseLeave interaction on the text but this no longer works – the popup will hide even if my mouse is in it. A recent update (2-3 weeks ago) changed this behavior.

Any solutions?

A recent update to WHAT a few weeks ago?

From that screenshot it has mouse leave on the actual link that you hover. That would close the overlay if we understand the screenshot.

Can you share the file?

Link to design file

Link to prototype

I have a delay of 200ms on the link’s mouseleave interaction. This used to allow me to move my mouse to over the popup and it would continue showing until my mouse left the popup. Now it disappears even when my mouse is in the popup.

I made this work exactly the way you have it done.

I DELETED YOUR MOUSE LEAVE interaction off “type=squash, hover=on” and I RECREATED IT with exactly the same specs as you have.

It worked fine.

Two thoughts…

  1. Clear your cache. If that doesn’t work, then…

  2. Delete the interaction and recreate it.

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pretty frustrated that that worked perfectly. Thanks KennLucas!


Isn’t it though?!

I have to clear my cache every time I publish a new robust component.
