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I have color tokens set up via varibles. I have two modes, dark and light. For light mode I’ve set color to change to the ‘light mode hover’ color on mouse enter and that works fine. When I switch the frame to dark mode, I still get the ‘light mode hover’ color on mouse enter. How do I set up the color variable to display the correct hover color for each mode switch? I thought of if function but it doesnt seem to link to the variable modes. Any Ideas? Thanks

Hmm…this one I’m not well-versed in, so I can’t give a confident answer on my end.

If you’re willing, can you file a ticket here, and also share a copy of the file with the modes to

ah- I have the same question. With plain older variants I just used to use the “Change to” prototype action and select the hover variant.

Now I want to make a hover event where I change the color variable for fill to its hover mode fill color. In other words, change from Primary-fill:default to Primary-fill:hover on a hover event.

Hi there,

Thanks for the post. Could you reach out directly to the support team with a copy of your file: Our support team will be able to take a closer look.

Please make sure you use the email associated with your Figma account, include links to the file in question, and share access with Don’t worry, inviting us to view your file won’t impact your billing.


