Hi Figma team and community,
I'm having a serious issue with one of my files and I hope someone can help me.
Issue details:
- I am the owner of the file.
- The file is showing as "Unassigned file" in yellow text.
- I cannot edit, duplicate, copy, or move the file to another team or project.
- I have double-checked that I’m logged into the correct account (the owner account).
- I have tried opening it in both Figma app and browser, but still no luck.
- Other people only have "can view" access, but even I (the owner) can't do anything.
Here is the link to my file (view-only):
https://www.figma.com/design/ZxccLU7X9JpTYC3bG7N5KK/Mia-Portfolio?node-id=295-226&t=QOAhoCF3nzSZF19H-1 Possible causes I suspect:
- The file might be detached from its team or stuck in some limbo state.
- Some workspace downgrade issue (but I am not sure).
What I’ve already tried:
- Logging out and back in.
- Trying from different devices and browsers.
- Attempting to share with another email (but since it’s unassigned, I can’t grant edit access).
- Checking if I can duplicate — no option available.
💥 This is an important file and I would love to regain access to it.
Please let me know if there’s any way to fix or recover this file.Thank you so much in advance!