Hi @Peter_Bentley, Thank you for reaching out! I completely understand your concern.
Thank you for sharing your detailed situation. The answer to this depends on the access and permission situations:
Within your company’s organization, does each user already have a member or guest account type? If so, then it would be as follows:
- If they already have a Full Figma Design seat, they do not require an additional seat.
- If they already have a Full Dev Mode seat, they do not need an additional seat.
Admins can check account type and seat type in the file browser. - Manage seats in Figma
Please refer to this guide for further clarity:
I hope this provides some clarification. If I misunderstood anything please feel free to let us know.
Thank you once again for reaching out.
Thanks for the response; that’s all helpful information. I will say it’s somewhat curious that I can see, from within the Admin panel, which of the 15 people I have invited to that file have accepted (and become guests), but there’s no way to (1) bulk invite them as guests to the organization from the Members page within admin, nor (2) see that 12/15 of the folks I’ve invited are in a “Pending” state. I would expect them to be in a pending state, but in the admin view they do not show up if I filter for “pending”. I can go into the share dialog of the file and see that 12 of the folks have not yet responded, but they don’t show up as “pending” in the Admin view.
I don’t mean to sound rude, and I really appreciate your help, but can you answer “yes” or “no” to the following question?:
If Company A pays for a dev mode seat for Employee A, and employee A gets invited to Company B, does the dev mode seat paid for by Company A mean that Company B does not need to pay for a dev mode seat for Employee A?
Having done an experiment with two separate accounts, it flags an error that the invited user, who has access to dev mode on their own personal account, still needs to be upgraded by the file owner. This seems wrong and against open collaboration. Or to describe it better, very Adobe like
Thanks for raising this Peter, I have the same query.
We often will do designs and need to hand them offer to an external third party for them to build and I want to understand what the most effective way to do that is, without us having to pay for a license for them.
I would expect that the third party devs should have their own Figma account with a Dev Mode licenses so they can either duplicate our file when shared or inspect it as normal when shared…but it’s not clear if thats the case.
@Junko3 can you confirm?