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When presenting interactive components with a hover state, the cursor sometimes shows the pointer hand on hover and other times does not. Curious if I’m experiencing a bug or missing a setting. Thanks!

I could be wrong, but I think it only displays the pointer hand if there is also a click/drag interaction attached to the component.

I’m currently experiencing that same issue - I have a couple of interactive components set up with multiple states and they all show the correct cursor on hover expect for one - a simple button which only shows the pointer hand on hover. Seems to be a bug 🤷

I am also experiencing the same thing. I have 3 dropdowns, 2 behave as they should - one doesn’t. It is confusing to use when presenting the prototype since only 1 should be clickable, not all. Anyone know how to debug it yet?

Same for me. The moment I created interactive components everything was working fine, but then suddenly just stopped, sometimes I have hand cursor, sometimes pointer. I don’t even touch those components. Definitely a bug

You have to have a destination link set for the hover state in order to make the hand cursor appear.

For me, the hand cursor only appears with these settings in place:

  1. Open overlay on the default state. (not Change to, Swap overlay, etc.)

  2. On click set on the hover state.

Also Open overlay doesn’t allow Smart animations, so you’re stuck with Instant, Dissolve, or Move in which aren’t always the best option for hover states.

Seems like a bug or oversight.

edit: 21 hours later it works as expected 🤷

need this!

Vote Variable cursor in prototypes - #13 by Dana4

Hi. I found a solution thanks to this video HOW TO CHANGE YOUR MAC CURSOR TO A WINDOWS CURSOR | FREE! | 100% WORKING! | 2021 | NO CAP! - YouTube on Mac. You can replace the default cursor appearance of your mouse on Mac with the application « Mousecape ». You just have to create with this app a new appearance for your default cursor « Arrow » and for your hovering hand cursor « Pointing ». After you did that « Magic », in the prototype mode, when your hovering a interactive / clickable element it will show your new cursor hovering appearance. I’m pretty sure you can do the same with a similar application of « Mousecape » on Windows.

thank you. Really helpful!

I know I’m late to the party, but here’s my solution to this: add an “Active” state to your button/interactive component. 🤷‍♂️t4:

This has never happened to me until yesterday so I am here 🙂 . I believe that it is a bug, hand cursor appears only for a second on a certain location of the component only to disappear again. This is annoying, Figma needs to fix this.

None of the solutions above work, my old prototypes that worked perfectly lost the hand cursor on all the clickable items, Changing the cursor type of your windows or mac is not that useful since we have to share the prototypes with the stakeholders, developers and the other teams 😃 And they will view it with their own cursor settings.

I have the same issues. My cursor doesn’t change to the hand on hover. Has anyone found a fix for this?
