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Hello Figma Community,

I’m writing to express my frustration with a recent issue I’ve encountered as a freelancer. As a paid subscriber under the “Professional” plan with one design seat, I’ve always appreciated Figma for its collaborative capabilities. However, I’ve run into a situation where collaborating with an agency, which also has paid subscriptions and design seats for their internal designers, incurs additional costs.

It feels unfair that, despite already paying for a subscription, I have to either pay again to work on team files or expect the agency to cover the cost of an extra design seat for an external collaborator like myself. This essentially forces me to pay double, which goes against the spirit of what made Figma great for collaboration.

This pricing model seems to penalize freelancers and small teams who want to collaborate with other organizations. It’s disappointing, as it turns the focus from paying for a tool we love and use to enhancing our projects into a consideration of the cost per project just to use Figma. This shift might drive many loyal users away, especially if other competitive alternatives become available.

I hope Figma reconsiders this approach, as it feels like a step in the wrong direction, moving away from being an inclusive and collaborative platform. I genuinely love using Figma and want to continue doing so, but this situation is disheartening.

Thank you for listening, and I hope this feedback helps improve the platform for all users.

Best regards, Chris

Figma makes fat stacks from charging the same people multiple times, as well as all the pricing dark patterns. It’s gonna be hard for them to stop after like 6 years of doing this unless there are some serious negative consequences for them to continue…
