I’m at the point with autolayout where I can generally achieve what I want, but not in a rapid, predictable, or masterful way.
The ongoing problem: rather than being able to make a single change in in single shot, I inevitably have to fuss with 2-3+ layers. And my changes all too frequently have unwanted side effects. So even when things eventually look right, I’m not clear or confident on exactly how/why it’s working.
So, I have been trying to pinpoint the root cause misunderstanding.
My conclusion thus far is that everything generally works better when starting from the inside-out.
That is, put fixed values and padding as deep in the hierarchy as possible, and let progressively outer container layers react to their contents.
(As opposed to starting from the outside-in, and trying to to make progressively inner layers react to their containers.)
However, the official docs don’t say that explicitly. They don’t even really acknowledge the concept of an inside-out vs outside-in approach at all.
So my question is: is this conclusion correct? Is auto-layout indeed meant to work from the inside-out? Does anybody want to argue for the outside-in approach? Or for an altogether different way of thinking about it?
Thank you in advance.