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I have a file that is used as a library for many files and I don’t want to break the connected. I need to transfer the file ownership to me from a previous team member who has design edit access on my team account and created the Figma file. If someone is on my team and I am an admin is there a way I can transfer the ownership or with the original designer have to do so?

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out about this!

Only an Owner of a resource (File/Project/Team) can transfer its ownership. Please note that the term Owner only refers to the creator of the resource. Being an Owner of a resource does not grant you any more privileges than an Admin or an Editor . Admins and Editors on a resource should still be able to carry any administrative tasks the Owner can.

If the Owner of a resource is no longer part of the organization. I suggest having an Organization Admin remove the user from the organization. When an Org Admin removes someone from an organization, we will:

  • Immediately remove their access to the organization.

  • Prevent the user from accessing teams, files or libraries within the organization.

  • Remove the user from every team they own. From there, the Team Admin(s) will be able to carry out any administrative tasks on the team. If there are no Team Admins, the Organization Admin will be able to claim the team from their Admin Settings > Teams tab (teams can be filtered by Teams without owners ).(More on that here: Org Admins claiming ownership of teams)

  • Still provide existing Editors access to the user’s Files and Projects while they are ownerless.

  • Move the contents of their Drafts to the organization’s Shared Projects folder.

    (More on that here: Managed drafts of deleted Member)

If your IT Team has access to the user’s email address, they can reset their password and log into the account to transfer ownership of resources. Keep in mind that his would need to be done before the user is removed from the organization.

I hope it helps!



It is really a hassle that only the owner can transfer ownership of anything, a file, a project, or a team. Admins should be able to transfer ownership too.

It is really a hassle that only the owner can transfer ownership of anything, a file, a project, or a team. Admins should be able to transfer ownership too.

100% this. As an Admin I should be able to grant and remove owner roles.
