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I am experiencing what seems to be a bug. When I import a path in Figma, it shows some strange artifacts.


This artifact also shows when exporting to raster (PNG).

It seems to be something having to do with pixel hinting. But I cannot get rid of it.

Anyone knows what might be causing it?


Hi, thank you for sharing. Having the same issue. My file that has this issue is using clip paths. Other vector files without clip paths don’t seem to have this issue. Did you find a solution?

UPDATE: I edited the paths of the vectors and the problem only happens to vectors that have a subtract boolean operation happening to them.

Hi there! Thanks for flagging this and sorry to hear this is happening.

I can’t replicate the issue on my end. Is it happening on browser, desktop app or both?

Usually, GPUs have known bugs and may cause rendering glitches / artifacts when using Figma. To cover some grounds, I would recommend you to check the Figma browser requirements in this article:

Figma Learn - Help Center

Please also reach out directly to the support team with a URL of the file so they can investigate further and try to reproduce it: here

Please use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and add as an Editor, so they can take a closer look. Thank you!

Happens on desktop app and browsers. Shared a file and sent it to the support-share email you provided.

Thank you! I see in the backend that we’ve submitted a bug report for our engineering team to investigate. We’ll provide updates as soon as we have more information. In the meantime, please continue to track this issue through your support ticket. Thank you for your patience!
