한국에만 있는 문제인지는 모르겠는데,
댓글을 입력하고 있는 도중에 커서가 맨 앞으로 이동한다던가,
입력하고 있는 내용이 갑자기 복사 붙여넣기가 되어 2배가 된다던가 하는 문제가 언제나 발생합니다.
작성시에 무조건…
제발 이 버그좀 고쳐주세요…
1년 전에도 의견 보냈었는데 해결안되서 여기에 올려봅니다.
협업시에 가장 많이 사용하는게 코멘트 기능인데, 제발 개선부탁드립니다. 제발…
Hey @lee_hi, thank you for reaching out! Unfortunately, we do not offer assistance in Korean yet, that’s why I am going to continue in English.
From my translation I’ve understand that your issue is that your cursor jumps to the front while you’re typing a comment.
Could you please share a screen recording of your issue?
Is this happening in the browser, desktop app or both?
Can you clear out the cache. Here are some information to troubleshoot: 1
Also please try to force-quit and open Figma in a new browser window (or force-quit the Figma Desktop app and restart it.)
Please let me know if this resolves the issue, happy to help out further!
I’m korean and same issue occurs to me. See the example below.
I’m typing comment. Suddenly the whole text gets doubled.
“@mention” becomes plain text.
This is a bug, contact support
지원팀에 몇번이고 문의를 넣었으나 답변조차 받지 못했습니다.
Please allow me to reply in English that is our supported language.
Thanks for flagging. In addition, I apologize for not involving our support team sooner.
Our engineering team is still investigating this issue. They’ve confirmed that this is a long standing issue. I want to be transparent with you that the bug you’ve reported might not have an immediate resolution. Due to its complexity and other priorities, it could take some time before we can address it.
While I can’t promise a quick fix, please know that our engineering team is aware of the issue and will work towards finding a solution in the future.
We appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter.
I have experienced the same issue. It’s been a persistent problem since I started using Figma three years ago, and even now with the introduction of UI3, the issue remains unresolved.
The problem occurs when I start writing slightly longer comments; the cursor moves to the back of the textarea, the entire text gets duplicated, or @mentions disappear due to some sort of reset. This issue significantly impacts our workflow.
Please resolve this as soon as possible. Figma is a paid software. Our company pays to use this service, and our designers, developers, and planners rely heavily on this comment feature to communicate. Do not disregard Korean users. We are paying customers who deserve proper service. You must have known that this issue has persisted for years.
Thanks for the comment. We shared your feedback with internal team. While we don’t have an exact timeline to provide on when you’ll see improvement, it’s on our radar for the future. Thanks for your patience.
same issue. This issue is aweful. please.
still not fixed shame
This issue is more serious than expected. Due to this bug, when leaving comments in Figma, I always have to write the text in Notepad first and then copy and paste it into Figma comments, which is really frustrating.
Hi Figma community!
I’m experiencing some interesting (read: frustrating) issues when writing comments in Korean, and I could really use your help. Let me paint you a talk of what’s happening:
🔄 Issue #1: Text Duplication
Sometimes when I type Korean characters, they decide to clone themselves - because apparently one set of characters isn’t exciting enough! My text mysteriously duplicates itself, turning “안녕하세요” into “안녕하세요안녕하세요”. Talk about being extra!
➡️ Issue #2: Cursor Adventure
My cursor seems to have developed a mind of its own. It jumps around like it’s playing hopscotch, making it nearly impossible to edit text normally. One moment it’s where it should be, the next it’s somewhere completely different - like a teleporting ninja!
This is becoming quite a challenge as I use the comment feature frequently for collaboration. While I appreciate Figma’s creativity in making text editing more “exciting”, I’d really prefer a more predictable experience! 😅
Has anyone else encountered similar issues with Korean text input? Any workarounds or solutions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help! Let’s solve this mysterious case of the self-replicating Korean text! 🕵️♂️
5개월 뒤 이 주제가 닫힌다고 합니다… 논의조차 되고 있지 않은 것 같습니다.
저희는 이 프로그램을 유료로 사용하고 있습니다. 이 문제는 전혀 사소하지 않습니다.
협업에서 가장 많이 사용되는 툴입니다. 언제까지 방치할 것인가요?
5개월뒤에 그냥 이 주제가 닫혀버리면 그대로 또 묻히는건가요? 저는 포기 하지 않고 계속 문제를 제시하겠습니다…! 이문제는 심각한 문제이기때문입니다! 제발 개선을 부탁드립니다!
이 페이지를 몇 번 방문했는지 모릅니다.
진행사항이 어떤지 확인하고 싶어서요.
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