Seriously people, that’s an a11y issue that affects everyone
(please also vote for this , not just like this post)
How about to bring good old scrollbars back?
Please spare our mouse wheels from wiping to holes
when showing prototypes, not everyone notices that the flows may be hidden. I think showing a scrollbar would be a good idea. What do you think?
Hi all,
I’ve seen older posts asking about this but wondered if there has been any development since then.
I’d like a reactive scrollbar for my page that responds to scrolling down a list of items in the scroll group - please note that it needs to be responsive to the scroll of the other items - the solution of adding a drag on the scrollbar itself is insufficient for this purpose. 🙂
Is there a way to do this yet?
Hi, I am working on this project and i am new to this like really new to this, I have generated this wireframe and when i run it, my navigation bar at the top and bottom bar stays consistent but the thing is, they are transparent like when i scroll down the items that go up on the screen are seen flow through the nav bar. Not only that, i chose the frame as android large but when i run it on android that frame is too big and the items have to be scrolled even though i don’t know how to set scrolling or the fact that i did that.