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I want to copy a prototype from one page to another (in the same file) but it keeps losing all prototype interactions.

I’ve read that if you have the prototype tab open when copying it over it should resolve the issue but this also doesn’t work for me.

I’ve also tried selecting each interaction when copying but I get the same result.

Duplicating the page works but this seems very arduous especially if you have other prototype visuals on that page.

Does anyone have a fix for this?.. HELP

It works with plane frames but not with components. With components the interactions are preserved related to the main component and dont “transfer” to the instances. Plain duplication with frames (via ctrl + d or alt and drag) seems to be working

To add: The frames youre trying to copy and paste can themselves be components but the whole selection should not be a component (i was trying to create a flow of frames as a single component)

Try this: create a new file. go into proto mode. go back to your original proto file, switch to proto mode, select all, copy - move to the other file, paste. now just add the starting frames for your flows.

This worked for me, I was trying to copy a flow with interaction with master components, using this method of moving it into another page it created instances of my master components and keep all the interaction. Thank you! You saved me from redo all my work.

Sorry if this has already been answered, but if you want a frame on another page, you can save it as a png and paste on desired page. As mentioned, go to prototype mode, but rather than moving, copy as png. Go to your desired page and paste. Boom! you’re done!

This worked for me…To copy any flow from one page to another within the project

Duplicate the flow (Ctr+D or Cmd +D) then > Right click on the flow > You will see option " Move to page" this will show list of all pages… woahoo you are good to go now!

Make sure you duplicate the flow first otherwise main will get moved to selected page

And what if we want to move flows to another file? Or copy the flow and make changes? Move to page is not a solution for this.

Designers, I am begging you on my literal knees, please, please pleeeaaaase stop doing Figma’s job by proposing half-cocked “workarounds” that don’t actually address the issue, thereby giving Figma another reason to ignore the request.

Just stop. Stop.