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Hello, I can’t find a way in Figma to inherit font family in a Text Style, from a different text style.

I have 30 different text styles, all using the same font family, but different properties, sizes, etc. If want to change the font family do I have to manually update it in all my 30 styles?

I’m hoping text styles can be based on other text styles, an inheritance concept like in CSS, or Affinity Designer’s Text Styles, which can be based on other master text styles.

Thank you!

This isn’t possible in Figma. You can use a plugin such as Batch Styler by @Jan_Six to change multiple styles at once.

I see. Thanks for the advice, I’ll look into that plugin.

Also hoping Figma will consider text style inheritance, it can be quite a time saver.

Feel free to vote for and add your ideas to this feature suggestion: Use styles in other styles

I think the feature suggestion proposed (Use styles in other styles) is too broad. Also, all posts are about nesting color styles there.

This topic could definitely be turned into a Feature suggestion. Is there a way for @MarioDA to do this?

Text style inheritance (or text styles hierarchy) seems like an obvious improvement to me. It would just match everything designers are familiar with in other contexts - CSS, graphic design/publishing software or even word processing software.

Anyway thanks @Gleb fot the plugin you suggested, that should make for a convenient work around until hopefully Figma evolves towards text style inheritance.

Even though this is an older topic, I agree this would be useful. Separating font sizes from styles and weight and being able to easily combine them would save a lot of time in setup and maintenance.