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I have already contacted Support and they are aware of the issue however, wanted to see if anyone else is experiencing this as well.

When using the font Ringside, I’m able to select underline or strikethrough but nothing appears. The notation for underline does appear in the CSS when I go to inspect in Figma. It doesn’t appear to be an issue with the font itself because I’m able to underline in Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Word. Underline and strikethrough do appear in Figma for other fonts like Arial.

I sent a video to Support illustrating all of this and they said it’s definitely part of a larger issue they’re seeing. It’s hard to pinpoint since it’s one specific font and it can vary between users.

Anyone else seeing this? If so, what font are you using? Hoping to get it fixed soon since I can’t show underlines for text links in our design system! 🙈

I’m having the same issue with a font called Decimal. Underline works fine in the various Adobe and Microsoft products, but I am unable to see underlined text when I use the Decimal font in Figma. As Decimal is part of our brand, I may have to stop migrating our designs to Figma and return to XD.

I am experiencing the same issue while using Decimal font in Figma. The underline shows as text decoration in the Inspect mode, and when I change my font type to something else, but it does not appear in the design when using the Decimal font.

That’s a bummer. We’re using Figma for our full design system so there’s no going back now. I’m hoping if more people report this Figma will work on fixing it!

Same for me with Ringside!

Having the same issue with a font called Founders Grotesk Text. Works fine on Adobe but not on Figma.

I’m also having this issue with Decimal font. Did anyone already found a fix or workaround?

Same issue here with a font called Otto Sans.

Same issue with Ringside!

Same problem here with Gravur Condensed

Same for me with a clients proprietary type face. Worked in Figma previously, today it is broken.

I have the same problem with font Co Fo Sans, can not underline text…

Did anyone find a reason/ solution for this? Facing the same issue.

I have the same issue with a Japanese font call “Zen Kaku Gothic New”.

Similar issue happened with me. I am trying open sans underline, but is appearing to be very thin, however is it is fine when I use open sans in other tools or even in web.

I’m having this issue with the font Lato, when using 18 pixels the underline doesn’t display in share prototype mode. This issue seems to only happen with the 18 pixel size.

This is an issue with your fonts, not Figma. We experienced the same issue this week with Farnham Text, which we license from Font Bureau. They sent me an updated version of the font within a day, and the underline problem is solved. What they told me: “The fonts you were using had their underline position and thickness set to 0. Those values are set in a table within the font file. It was an easy fix once we knew about the problem.” So you need to reach out to your font provider to solve this problem.

same for me with hoefler fonts

strikethrough didn’t work using gibson

I have the same problem with open sans font, figma please fix it

the problem was the open sans that the figma system provides, we need to add the Mac/PC open sans system font and activate it.

steps that i used to fix this issue:

  1. in the font book(system fonts folder), delete the system open sans font

  2. install the open sans font package with all the weights.

  3. In the font book(system fonts folder), right click on the new installed font package, select “activate”

  4. close figma and open figma again

  5. in figma, in the same font, you will have two options or just one option for the weight of the font, change between them and that works. if the weight didn’t change then try to:

    a. reinstall the specific font weight by replacing the previous one.

    b. restart figma to apply

Our team encountered the same inability to apply text decoration to Ringside within Figma, and flagged it to Monotype/Hoefler. They’ve now corrected the bug in version 1.31 of Ringside Complete. If you have proof of purchase, you can email and request the updated font files. They’ll send you a ZIP. ✅