The zoom bug is back. The desktop version of Figma has huge steps, while the browser version of Figma still has small steps, but these are still weird.
When you hold CTRL and use the mouse wheel, you can zoom in and out of your design. If memory serves me correct, both directions had stops of 10%. So 100%, 110%, 120% etc.
On the browser version, these steps are now: 100%, 106%, 112%, 119%, 126%, 133%, 141%, 149%, etc… which are weird steps. But I can live with that.
The desktop is worse. These steps are now: 100%, 532%, 2827%, 15029%, 25600%. Negative is totally different, and is now: 100%, 19%, 4%, 2% and stops there.
I use this way of zooming intensely. The product is useless the way zoom now works. So can you please fix this asap?!
Windows 8.1, with…
- Desktop > Figma Desktop App version 112.2
- Browser > Firefox version 99.0 (64 bit)