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Hi all,

When I try to view a prototype on my iPhone, it starts loading but after a while it suddenly crashes and shows an error: ‘a problem has occurred repeatedly’. See the attached video.

  • This happens on other iPhone devices as well with this prototype. Other prototypes do work on my iPhone.

  • Maybe an issue with the amount of screens in the file? I created a new file, copied all the screens to this new file; same error occurd. I removed 90% of all the screens and the prototype works. Pressed CMD + Z got all the screens back and same error occurs.

  • All software is up to date.

  • Tried every prototype setting in Figma, but no luck.

  • Removed cookies and other data on Safari iPhone browser.

  • Using an Enterprise account.

Has anyone a clue what I can do to solve this? Need this to work on my phone for user testing.

Thanks in advance,


I had the same issue on my android device after reinstalling Figma app.

I think there is a restriction to performance for mobile data and wi-fi, after unchecking both under settings everything works fine again

This does not fix it either, not anymore at least. It fixes it crashing in Figma mirror but not on actual website. Now the issue has gotten worse it won’t only crash but also will not complete loading. I have literally reduced my files to bare minimum and it did not resolve.

@Robert_Bye Any updates? Even reducing file size does not help, I removed all hidden layers and ungrouped all components to bare minimum. It’s extremely frustrating as we can’t do use testing with embed nor can I put any of my work on my portfolio site. Why can’t it work like the Adobe embed? I ended up transferring all my work to adobe XD and that one loads perfectly on all mobile devices and even better it stays the true screen size vs Figma size keeps the entire background/UI… transferring to Adobe is not sustainable way to do this… I am having to waste hours fixing after transfer… we need a fix/solution!

Also having the issue causing trouble for my user tests. We’ve had to switch to Desktop and the phone view for most users…which works, but isn’t ideal.

@Robert_Bye I saw that iOS released updates in version 16 to remove Figma crashing the mobile site however Figma design file still refuses to load, I literally created a two screen prototype and even that won’t load. How are we supposed to test our prototypes? It’s ridiculous having to ask testers to download Figma mirror and create an account…

Also having this issue and need to share the prototype with our CEO tomorrow… this is unacceptable in my opinion because this should’ve been made known before putting all this work in for a presentation that I can’t even present properly.

Minimized video sizes to 1MB, Created a separated project, cleaned up the layers, and it still doesn’t work on iPhone. Neither does it work with Figma mirror.

I am having this problem right now, and yes it with iOS devices. I am being asked by my superiors why the prototype is not working for them to test on their phones, and I don’t have any answers for them. I’m fairly certain that it’s because of file sizes, but I have reduced the files as much as I dare without them looking terrible. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

I’m testing some really simple and lightweight files on my 1gen 12.9’’ Ipad Pro and on my daughters old Xiaomi phone and guess where everything works absolutely fine and where I tried 4 browsers with stuck loading logo loop?