Hi, I’m Betz, i have the same issue that occurred to “Victor_Emmanuel_Giron_Solarte”: when i preview my file, every single component works, but just the first i clic on, the others get disabled. All the components works if i start clicking on them.
I have create an heart icon, when you clic on it, it becomes dark, when you click again, it returns white.
Then I have anoter nested component, it’s the typical colour bar, in dots, that changes when you clic on every colors, selecting it.
As you can see, every dot is a component and all the six are inside a component with also a text that changes the name of the color, depending where you clic.
The interaction in every component is: on tap - open overlay - “name of the new component”. Noting close, everything opens on top of the others. All the Components are inside the same page, outside the Artboard.
In this case, if i clic on the heart it works and i can then click on the color bar and it works.
But after clicking on the color bar, the heart does not work anymore.
Let me know how can i solve this issue please. thanks a lot