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Hi there,

For this e-commerce project I am working on, I am trying to make it easier for a design team to utilize components to mockup banners more efficiently. The main thing I am trying to do is make the lockups easily adjustable such as copy changes or styling updates.

I created a master component set for a base layout with different languages. Then copy the English version into an instance to create different styling changes for each banner type. One has a color change and the other has a font style change but layout remains the same.

THE PROBLEM: In the mockups for each language, the component set for styling has some copy in the lockup is override by the master while some parts changes the styling to what I wanted. How do I make the master not override the new styling for all text?

Please take a look at the file for a better context:

I am open to suggestions on how I can re-structure this system or any links to tutorials to fix this is appreciated!

Hey @8rendan_O – this is only an example file, correct? I’m not really confident enough on my knowledge to give you a super helpful response on my end.

What I can do is have someone follow up from support to take a look at your true design and give some recs if that would work for you. PM me if you’d be interested!

any update?

Hi there! I see in the backend that the issue has been solved by our support team.

The issue is due to the naming conventions that aren’t the same across all instances, they are different, so that is what is causing the issue.

To fix it, the workaround is to rename the same text boxes the same thing so the colors can be updated accordingly.

I’ve gone ahead and closed the topic as the issue has been solved. Thanks!