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Hi everyone 😀

Does anyone know if (and in that case how) it’s possible to add an interaction to an element to navigate to a specific frame from an other page? For example in my workflow I have a page dedicated to all my components, and then another page for the design itself. But I can’t connect a component directly to a page within the design page.

The only workaround I’ve found is to create in the design page an instance of a component (as a sort of 2nd level component) where I add all my interactions, but it’s not super ideal because it requires me to then replace that 2nd level component every time I make a change to the original one in the components page.

I hope it was not too confusing. In that case please feel free to ask for more precise information.



It isn’t possible but there is a feature suggestion you can vote for: Create one prototype across the pages in a file

I’m also looking for this, I want to keep all my components in one page separate from the actual flow. Any solutions yet?

Perhaps this answers your question…

On a component in a frame on one Page I used Prototype → OnClick → Open Link

Then Copied / Pasted the Prototype Sharing Link for the Target Frame on Another Page].

I disabled the Open in New Tab and it worked great.

Are you using Figma browser or Desktop App?