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There is a constant battle I am facing where I want to use ‘Local variables’, but Figma is kind of blocking me from making it useful without having to set ‘Local styles’. Aside from line-height, as it is not possible to set a percentage value (please fix), everything else can be prepared in ‘Local variables’, but afterwards, I am forced to create ‘Local styles’ to actually have a quick shortcut to apply and remember these settings, e.g. for h1, h2, body, and so on. I wish it would be possible not to set ‘Local styles’ but instead set these through the ‘Local variables’ somehow.

I’m sure others feel the same way, in order to deliver better tokenisation options when handing over to development and such. Or am I alone in this?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Typography variables feedback

Hi there - thanks for your feedback!

I’ve gone ahead and merged your topic with a similar thread about Typography variable feedback, so that we can consolidate the feedbacks from the community in the same place.