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Hey! It would be really nice to have a mindmap feature.

Here a proof of concept (using usual figma Ctrl+Enter)

I’m starting to work on a plugin to do that “distribution” Add a mindmap feature 🙂 - #25 by lepine_kong

Very cool, looking forward to it!

Figma has done it 🙂


We are currently discussing about going to miro or figjam.

I didn’t find the mind map feature. Evolution is already live ? Is there a roadmap by figma team ?

Looking forward to the ramification feature (add/ collapse and so on)

Just want to echo and add to the voices here. Mind mapping in whimsical is such a dream, one that does not rely on diagram mapping and makes it a quick, extraordinarily useful feature. Having a similar feature in FigJam would be chef’s kiss!

A must: Show or Hide/Collapse child nodes/branches

Came here to put my vote in on this. This is the defining feature of whimsical that is really useful that figma needs to copy in figjam.

This is an important feature for me too to choose Figjam to use. I love how implemented in Miro or Whimsical. Yes, we have the possibility just with shapes and connectors, but this is not the case. It wastes so much time to organize and change styles and so on. Much better to have a complete mindmap solution.

+1 a mindmap feature like whimsical would be great! Would like to consolidate my whiteboarding/diagramming tools and just use figjam.

Please, make Mind Map like Whimsical did. It’s just amazing.

adding my ➕ for this feature

It would be great to do fast, automatically branching mindmapping in FigJam

➕ yes please!

It would be great to have automated mind-mapping in FigJam

As far as I can tell, this is a very manual process with a template that explains helps you get the manual process started… not as conducive to brainstorming and note-taking as a true mind map app

I wanted to create a mindmap that organizes itself like does it.

I want to avoid the mess and effort it would take to maintain bigger trees & branches (i.e. moving many things around as soon as I add a new branch or node somehwhere).

It’s a use case I have to use another product, but I’d love to do it in FigJam.

Still thinks it’s a major feature missing in FigJam.

I use mindnode and share a PDF export. I would love to make it in FigJam, so everyone can contribute

Hi Jonas_Schmahl1, thank you for the feedback about the mindmap in FigJam! We’ll pass this onto our FigJam team for consideration.

In the meantime, if you haven’t seen it yet, we have some mindmap templates on FigJam if you’d like to have a look.

+1 for a mind map feature!

Cmon, Miro nailed this feature a long time ago. It will save us tons of time on brainstorming

Hey All,

Today, we announced that Mind maps in FigJam are coming soon!

Soon, you’ll be able to brainstorm and ideate quickly and easily without having to manually create and connect shapes, text, or stickies in FigJam. This update will be available in the coming weeks.

Awesome! Can you share more details or link to the announcement?

"33. Mind maps in FigJam (coming soon!): Brainstorm and ideate quickly and easily without having to manually create and connect shapes, text, or stickies in FigJam. This update will be available in the coming weeks."


When is this feature releasing?

I’d also love to see this update in FigJam!

When can we expect it? I know you said a few weeks but I’m feeling an itch to finally try it out!

Hey @Samuel_S & @Kelly_Ne, Mind Maps in FigJam launched yesterday! 🎉

2 posts were split to a new topic: Mind Map Improvements