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Hello, I created an animation using Rive editor, which doesn’t have a GIF exporter. For a quick fix, I screen recorded the animation and converted the mp4 file to a gif format. Now whenever I drop it into figma it plays ridiculously slow. The gif itself is a bit slower than the video but that’s not an issue.

Link to prototype

Is this a problem with my gif file or figma? And how can I fix this if at all possible?

Same problem here ☹

Is there any answer? Thanks.

Having the same issue. Any answer to this? I think this is a cache issue. When I preview for the first time, my GIF playback is bogged down. Once it plays the first time through, the second time is the correct speed. It’s annoying, but it eventually works.

I’m having the same issue. Sometimes it plays great, othertimes the GIF is jerky or just jumps to the last frame. Very annoying since my prototype has a number of GIF as part of the interaction.

Have the same issue here. 100x100px gif with about 1000 frames, operating at about half speed, very jittery

Are any solutions yet? I have the same prob as the OG poster. I converted a .mov to gif, and the playback speed feels like it’s half the actual gif. Very slow.

I’m having the same issue

Hey All,

If your GIFs aren’t playing as expected in Presentation view, please reach out to the support team directly via this form for help:

Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to your file, and add as an Editor to the file so support can take a closer look.