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Usually, when designing I come across fonts that are in Google Fonts but not available in Figma and I have to install them manually. I wonder how frequently is that updated? And why isn’t that dynamic? (I assume that would hurt performance?)

Hey @kolyba I’m actually not sure how often we update the list but I can check in with the team on this. As for your second question you’re exactly right. Having this be dynamic would cause some performance issues if every time you loaded a file it had to first download all of the fonts. 🙂

As far as I know, the fonts list is updated every three months. So recently added Google Fonts may not be available immediately.

That sounds about right. 🙂

I will probably hurt performance, once you log out of for e.g. Adobe CC, and log in again when the fonts start to download it just kills my Mac; and the sound of the fans, oh boy…

Yeah, makes sense