I find it very hard to locate the needed plugin in the plugin manager window… Seems like they are sorted by the time of their installation but I’m not even sure
Or it would be even better to have a quick search field there…
The plugins were in alphabetical order earlier. But when Figma placed it in resources it is not in this order.
Hey @wgo, sorry for the trouble!
We recently launched the ability to Save resources in the community, which combines Saves & Likes. Plugins are now sorted by Recent & the date they were Saved.
Our team has already been made aware of the desire to have plugins listed alphabetically as an option from the community. We appreciate your feedback and hope to improve the experience keeping this in mind.
In the most recent Figma update, it looks like plugins were all put into one dropdown menu. Before, it was divided out into recently used plugins, and a separate menu group where saved plugins were listed. But now, recently used plugins and saved plugins are all grouped together in a messy list.
This really sucks in my opinion. For example, when I try out bunch of plugins to see if they work for what I need, they all remain in my dropdown even if I don’t want to use them. Plus, now it’s much harder to find my most used plugins because they are constantly changing position, and I find myself accidentally clicking a wrong plugin with a similar spelling.
I like the idea of making the saved plugins more accessible, but I’d suggest swapping what it was before… make the default, most accessible plugins your saved plugins, and your recently used plugins in the separate dropdown group.
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Actually, I liked it the way it was before: first thing you see in the dropdown are your 10 last-used plugins, sorted in recently-used order. Then you have a sub-menu for ALL your saved plugins, sorted in alphabetical order. I often use the same handful of plugins so the “recent” section was perfect for that. What did Figma consider wrong about that? 🤷
when are we fixing this issue? is really annoying and hard to use.
Figma you should know better.
Hey @Michel_Velis,
The team is already building out and testing the spec!
It’s only been 6 working days, so we appreciate your patience while we continue to work on the fix. 🙏
Recently, the list of plugins looks like this (image). They are not even sorted alphabetically! It’s terribly inconvenient! How do I get the old list view back? When 10 of the most popular are visible at once, and a separate menu opens for the rest???
In the meanwhile, is there a workaround? I have the same problem as [wgo]. It’s driving me nuts.
Yes! I am suffering the same issue… what’s going on? How to fix it? Thanx 🙂
At least let us remove old/unwanted plugins from the menu
Hey @CB_Loeb,
You can remove any unused plugins by clicking the flag icon:
Hi all, sorry for the trouble!
We recently launched the ability to Save resources:
Figma Learn - Help Center
in the community, which combines Saves & Likes. Plugins are now sorted by Recent & the date they were Saved.
Our team has already been made aware of the desire to have plugins listed alphabetically as an option from the community. Our team is already working on a plugin sorting fix - stay tuned!
Thank you, Celine…
I don’t find the solution here… What about the Plugins dropdown in the desktop app menu? I see an eternal list sorted by installation date, what it’s irrelevant for me. I would like to recover the previous visualization (only shows the most recently used and then a dropdown with the rest of my saved plugins).
It would be great to have this behavior in the Resources list too.
Thanks for the effort.
Thank you for your feedback @Diana_H_Marin ! We’ll pass along to our team for consideration.
Most of the time I don’t need all the plugins. Please return to the old view, when the 10 most frequently used are visible at once, and the rest open as an additional window and sorted alphabetically 🙏
Thanks for restoring the previous plugin menu. 🥰
Really? How lucky you are! I still see the infinite list… 😦 Is there something I can do to restore the previous menu? (last update already installed) Thank you
Hmm, it just happened be – maybe they haven’t rolled it out everywhere at the same time? I’m based in Europe and using the macOS desktop app, version 116.12.2.
Finally, I can see it too! Great, thank you!