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Hi there,

How might we able to differ the viewer users’ needs based on their roles

the current situation in Figma kinda mixed all persona as a viewer and give them generic access as a viewer which is endangering the organizations using Figma. Understand that Figma is set as default for every new file which allows the viewer able to copy, share, and export the file, and the admin/editor able to switch off the advanced option per file.

The problem here is when we set a designer as a viewer due to his termination in the organization, he/she still is able to download all files in the fig file as viewers. But if we switch off the advance option per file, it makes other frontend developers not allowed to export assets as viewers.

I believe it is important to have different settings for each action (copy, share & export) on file levels and also on default org levels.


on default org levels, every newly created file will follow some granular rules such as (the option to be copied or not, shared or not, export or not, saved as fig or not)

then, on files level, we also able to customize it

With this solution, every organization admin is able to govern the way of using Figma in their organization following their compliance and security appetite.

Hope this topic can be considered by Figma product team.

thank you


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