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Toggle Switch prototype not working

  • November 29, 2023
  • 1 reply

I’ve been trying for days to create a toggle switch and I’ve followed so many videos and the prototype never works. I’ve done it before but for some reason it’s not working for this project. I’m on a student plan

  • Community Support
  • November 30, 2023

Hey Jozef,
Thanks for reaching out to the community.

Can you please forward a video recording of this issue? Please ensure to include the full Figma screen including the left and right hand panels so we can see the exact name of the layers and properties, and file names you are working on. Usually the issue may be an issue in your name properties in your variants.
If you are able to, please share a copy of the file so we can try to troubleshoot and replicate here.

I’ve tried to replicate on my end the toggle switch, please make sure to check the properties showed in this video below. Hope this helps:


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