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Wierd Bug: Shaky Prototype Animation


Hi guys, has anyone encountered this weird bug in Figma?

  1. Basically, each frame kind of shakes before animating to the next frame in Figma (if I keep it ‘fit to screen’ prototype).
    Video link: Shaky Prototype Animation - Album on Imgur

  2. it’s very smooth (if I keep it ‘Actual size’ prototype).
    Video link: Imgur: The magic of the Internet.
    But if I keep ‘Actual Size’ then I won’t be able to show the whole frame on the screen as it’s portrait.

It’s so annoying. I have created tons of animation and now I can’t present it properly because of this shakiness!!! Any help would be great. Thanks.

3 replies

  • Community Support
  • 3381 replies
  • October 24, 2023

Hi Arshit,
Thank you for taking the time to reach out to the Community! I saw on our backend that you filled out a form to our support team.
For visibility to the community, after investigating with the technical quality team, this is a long-standing bug that is still under investigation.

During this time, the workaround will be to use the inline preview or the presentation mode with settings other than “Fit to screen” or “Fills screen”.
Thank you again for the patience!

Hey! I know it’s been a while since this thread was started. The problem was still occurring for me while prototyping, even today. I think I found the solution at least for my case. What solved the twitching for me was making sure that each element or component which is supposed to be static in the prototype must have the scroll behavior set either to “Fixed” or “Sticky”. Resolved my issue, hope it helps anyone in the future.

  • New Member
  • 1 reply
  • November 12, 2024

I have been testing that bug today. I tested the same animation using same component set and I tried playing with the animation settings, doing it in an empty file, the component set itself…etc. Here’s some of what I found out:

-In order to not change any of your animation you will have to change your prototype presentation mode, for me some of the built in ones fixes it immediately and some doesn’t, and if you want to use a custom one then for me Width didn’t matter, It was all about the height, till 939 it was fine, maybe after 930 it wasn’t perfect but it was smooth, but after that it started jerking so you can test with that.

-If you’re willing to change your animation then removing shadows fixed it for me immediately. I guess you can also try playing with all different animation settings since it’s a vague bug, it helped some people changing from smart animate to instant, actually slowing the animation proved to be better for me in some cases it’s definitely not usable in a real life setting but for viewing a certain interaction very quickly it was better.

Hope you can find your way around it and show your work


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