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Component in library is not being published


Haven’t found exactly this issue posted: I created a new component in my library, but Figma ignores it when publishing. In the design file it’s no different from any other component - and the component in question works as expected within the library file. But no matter how many times I alter it, Figma doesn’t seem to notice that it’s a component, so it doesn’t get published. I’ve even duplicated and renamed it…doesn’t matter. It’s like it doesn’t exist, so it’s not available in any other files using that library.

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  • 16 replies
  • September 10, 2022

Update (that might help others)…while scratching my head and going slightly insane trying to understand why this component wasn’t publishing, with the troublesome component selected I noticed a “publish changes” button in the righthand column…so I pressed it and lo and behold: it was published. However…I’m still confused. I have never had to individually publish a component like that. Typically, the moment I turned anything into a component (or made any changes to an existing component), Figma seemed to notice it should be published. I don’t understand why this particular component had to be individually poked to publish.

  • 6 replies
  • February 2, 2023

I have a very similar issue but for me even the “publish changes” button doesn’t appear. It is a nested button component btw with few variants although the nested component has many.

I was having the same issue and found a fix. Make sure the components you’re having the issue with don’t have any unused component properties, or Figma will flag them as invalid and they won’t be publishable. In your Publish Library modal you might see a dropdown called “Invalid”. I removed all the unused properties from my components and everything was able to be published as expected. Hope this helps!


Same thing is happening with me as well.

Unfortunately, non of these solutions work for me, I do not see the ‘publish changes’ because Figma does not recognise that there are any changes. Also I do not have any invalid or error properties in the variants. At one point the assets were published and working well… then they stopped for no apparent reason. It would be nice if someone from Figma answered this as no one seems to have an answer. Also I can’t just recreate them now as I have used the asset throughout the design, so changing it now will create a load of errors.


I cleaned up all the properties not being used, re-pasted the component again, and I could publish the changes successfully.


Same issue as well. My component set has 240 unique instances and I’m not able to substitute within my designs since the component (set) isn’t being published. I’ve checked all 240 instances and returned no conflicts. Umm… help?

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  • September 22, 2023

One sneaky issue that will prevent your component from publishing:
If you have tinkered with a component in such as way as to make any of its properties unused - maybe you had some text that had a Text property attached to it, then deleted the text - then Figma just won’t give you the option to publish. You’ll have to go into the component and delete the unused property.

Figma could do a better job at messaging this, but the message is in there if you select individual variants within a component, right click, and select ‘Publish Selected Components’. Then Figma will point out the reason you can’t publish.

Like Mike_Green’s post, I originally wasn’t seeing the “publish changes” button show up on the component. Here’s what worked for my component variants:

  1. Unpublish the component. In my case, I moved the individual variants outside of the variant collection, then published my changes.
  2. Combine the components as variants again.
  3. Select your component set and review the design panel on the right. This exposed several nested components within the component set that had been deprecated.
  4. Remove said deprecated components, which should make the “publish changes” button appear.
  5. Publish changes ✨


Thanks so much for posting this, I’ve been going round and round in circles on this all day 😬. This is an issue Figma reaaaally need to do something about. Even just some clearer messaging would have saved me hours.


Hi, just to support this thread, I’m stating my case as well - my issue was with just the icons not publishing - “Publish changes” was shown only if I selected one icon component, but if I selected all icons, the “Publish changes” button changed to “Combine variants”, and thought I had to do this for each individual icon. But right clicking after selecting all, displays the “Publish selected components” option, just like someone mentioned here. Thanks a lot for this post!

  • 1 reply
  • April 17, 2024

In case it helps someone, unpublishing the whole library, reloading all the tabs (or closing and opening Figma again) then re-publishing the library again did it for me.

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  • January 22, 2025
Josh_Kirkley wrote:

I was having the same issue and found a fix. Make sure the components you’re having the issue with don’t have any unused component properties, or Figma will flag them as invalid and they won’t be publishable. In your Publish Library modal you might see a dropdown called “Invalid”. I removed all the unused properties from my components and everything was able to be published as expected. Hope this helps!

you saved meee! Thanks :)


I found another reason that components aren’t published - the file with the components has to be in a project folder. Components that are in Figma files that are in the drafts folder aren’t published. However, Variables and Styles are which makes it confusing.

Somebody else already pointed out that hidden components aren’t published. To show components for publishing, go to the assets tab on the left, right click on the component and select “show when publishing”.


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