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Image and text moving with the frame

  • February 18, 2021
  • 2 replies


Image and text moving with the frame.
Hello everyone, how are you?
I’m translating I don’t know if I’ll be able to express myself, but I’ll be leaving a gif showing what’s going on.
When I move the picture of the figma, sometimes some images and texts move together, most of the time it is always at the top where I place the logo, other times also with images or texts in the middle parts of the picture.

Is there any way to resolve this?

Imagem e texto movendo-se junto com o quadro.
Olá a todos tudo bom?
Estou traduzindo não sei se irei conseguir me expressar, mas estarei deixando uma gif mostrando oque está acontecendo.
Quando eu movo o quadro do figma, as vezes algumas imagens e textos se movem junto, a maioria das vezes é sempre na parte superior onde coloco a logo, outras vezes também com imagens ou textos nas partes do meio do quadro.

Existe alguma maneira de resolver isso?

Best answer by tank666

Set up constraints for the logo.

View original

  • February 18, 2021


Ty, It really was that, it was without restriction.
I put it to the left and top.


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