- Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this
I’m a product manager and frequently send Figma links to the engineering team to specify a piece of UI that I’d like them to look at. When the recipient of the link opens the Figma, the piece of UI that I had selected is in view, but it’s not immediately clear what piece of UI I wanted to direct their eyes to.
It would be great if, as the sharer of the link, I could somehow specify the part of the doc I wanted to “highlight”. The highlighting could be embedded in the link such that the recipient, upon opening the link, would be able to see exactly what UI I wanted to direct their attention to.
It should also be easy for the link recipient to dismiss the highlighting and view the file without it.
- Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)
- Ask questions to bring the community into the conversation
(e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.