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Page archive in a project


It would be nice to have an ability to mark a page inside a project as archived. This is for anyone who accesses the project to understand that the page was archived and should not be considered. However, there’s still a value of keeping these pages in the project to have a reference to a different design directions considered in the past of removed features.

An archived page is in a read only mode. It cannot be edited or commented on. It also is somehow marked as archived in the Figma UI.

Today I usually create an empty page with the title “Archive” and everything below it is considered archived but it is not a standard way of working with archived-but-still-useful pages.

4 replies

Hey @Pawel_Uchida-Psztyc_SF what you propose is really interesting and I think it would be very useful for many teams. I think the feature that gets closest to this is having a Figma Organization plan, creating a team, and within that team, creating a group of files called “Archived”. Within this folder you can remove edit access and then let the files only be in read only mode.


We do have the Figma Organization plan. Potentially we could put these pages into a separate team but it’s not really what I had in mind. The important point is to be able to keep archived pages inside a project (not a project in a team) for future reference. Having thousands of files in my org would make discoverability impossible. Hence, the ability to keep archived pages inside a Figma project but marked as archived.

  • 4 replies
  • October 23, 2024

This is a very nice feature to have. And will make the project cleaner as well. I don’t like deleting files either because I often reference old designs or the designs that are nice but did not make the cut.


That’s a really great idea! A good addition would be the ability to specify whether the archived pages should be included in the search. I’ve noticed that the search function within a file becomes increasingly slower as the number of pages grows. Archiving old files and excluding them from the search function could help with this. An option to decide whether to search within the archive would be even better, with the default setting excluding the archive.


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