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Font Embedded with in Figma File/Project

  1. Font missing error while login in from a different computer.

  2. If possible to embed fonts within Figma file/project will be very useful. this feature is present in Sketch.

6 replies


The idea is super useful, however, the potential issues coming up with this could be related to font licensing. That itself opens a huge can of worms.


However Sketch has implemented this in their product and I see this as a serious setback in being able to transfer to Figma

  • New Participant
  • 15 replies
  • May 16, 2022

If Figma doesn’t support embedding, then they shouldn’t use Whyte from Dinamo in their Playground files.

The missing font indicator aggravates my OCD. 😆

  • New Participant
  • 9 replies
  • August 4, 2022

I too would love to see a feature similar to sketch with embedding fonts for handing off to a developer

  • Active Member
  • 256 replies
  • October 27, 2022

A developer doesn’t need font embed. As long as the font and its relating information is correctly rendered for inspect purposes it is sufficient.
The developer could not work with Desktop fonts anyway and needs the other respective font formats for use as Webfonts, App or ePub.

Font embedding is only necessary to ease the workflow for multiple editors (Designers) working in a file without the need for separate font management.

Not sure if it is even implementable here since Figma is not a native application unlike Sketch.

Nevermind. I was unaware that Figma cannot render the fonts even for viewers correctly and that rendering bugs of interactive prototypes persist since May 2021. 👀
When viewers don’t have the fonts locally installed the components go nuts, disappear, position themselves very weird and don’t behave as expected. Great stuff…


Coming back tot this idea, I think that it’s not the embedding of fonts that’s the issue, but the fact that teams are missing a dedicated font-handling space.

Say your company has bought its own font, then the distribution and consumption of said font would be either implicit (by making it part of the windows or mac fonts that comes when they setup your device) or explicit, by having people copy-paste and install on they devices on-demand.

Having a team space or setting in the Figma team settings to be able to either upload or reference web fonts would seriously aid in solving this problem. Embedding is a problem because Figma files cand be exported as a .fig file and having a embedded font would increase file size wihout any point.

But having a dedicated font handling space would be much more desireable, since it makes the font available for all of the people in the team and could be activated/de-activated by team admin.


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