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Enable/disable ability to "Open in Editor" while in Prototype mode


My company would like to use Figma as an Invision-like replacement. However, when in prototype mode, you can click the dropdown next to the title name and it allows you to “open in editor” if you have a Figma account.

This is a problem as it gives anyone the ability to poke around in the native files rather than just having access to the presentation version. Please make it possible to disable access to the editor by giving different sharing permissions!

  • Figmate
  • July 19, 2024

Hi @Grace_Hebert, Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I understand how important this is for you and your company.

As a potential solution, could you try the following steps and open the link from people who don’t have access to the main file?

  1. Open the “Share settings” modal on the main file and set the access to “Only invited people”.
  2. Then, open the “Share this prototype” modal and set the access to “Anyone”.

I tested these steps on my end, and if I don’t have access to the main file, then I don’t see the “Open in editor” option when opening the prototype sharing link.
However, if the link is opened by people who do have access to the main file, the “Open in editor” option appears.

If your idea is to not show the “Open in editor” option even when you do have access to the main file, that would indeed be a great feature request!

Thank you once again for your valuable feedback and please let us know if I have overlooked anything.


when I do the first step, I am unable to make the “Share this prototype” modal to “Anyone”
and it also get locked to “Only invited people”
how should I resolve that?

  • Figmate
  • October 24, 2024

Hi there, could you kindly verify which team the file is associated with? There are two potential scenarios to consider:

I hope this clarifies things for you.


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