Webpack watch is not working

This is exactly same issue with : https://spectrum.chat/figma/extensions-and-api/webpack-watch-is-not-working-any-ideas-how-to-resolve~5060826f-45c4-4593-a667-e244e367d27c

I’ve followed figma plugin developement tutorial. At now, my figma plugin project configure is almost same with this sample project : plugin-samples/webpack at master · figma/plugin-samples · GitHub

I have watch script in my plugin package.json file.
“watch”: “webpack --mode=development --watch”,

When I run watch, I can see the js file is recompiled after I change my ts code base.

But I can’t see any plugin update in figma app. Surely, I quit and restart my on-developing plugin. But it did not works.

The only way to apply code change is stop watch process and restart again, which is meaningless to use webpack watch mode.

Ok. I resolve by myself. This is due to HTMLWebpackPlugin config.

See :