Splitting a Design system

What is the best way to split a Desing system in three while having all the instances attached to all the files already created?

At work, we are currently working with 1 Design system for website and mobile. As the system is growing we need to split the system into three, Core, Mobile, and Web.

If I duplicate the Design system in two, only the original one will have the instances and the other one won’t.

Is there a way to duplicate the system and tell Figma what copy should the Mobile files follow and what copy should the website files follow?


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There is no way to do that easily as you can’t move components between files other than manually with Master plugin:

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May i ask why you need to split it? I would assume a lot is the same? And why duplicate? Just create the designs deviating from your core library!?

Can now be done in Figma: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404848314647-Move-published-components

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