I see that the Code Connect feature is currently only available in the Enterprise or Organization plans, which only support annual billing. This is quite a significant expense for my team. I need to be cautious before committing to this feature without experiencing it first. Could I request a trial opportunity before paying for it?
Additionally, is there any plan to include this feature in the Professional Team package?
Thank very much~
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Hey @jinping.lin, thank you for reaching out!
I saw that you’ve reached out to our support team (#1087555) and you were put in touch with our sales team regarding your query.
Please do wait for a reply as our sales team are handling these request.
Unfortunately, there are no plans to make Code Connect available for Pro plans at this time.
Let me know if there is anything else I can help with, thanks!
Thank you for your response. It’s been a week since we first reached out , and my team is eager to explore the Code Connect feature.
Could you also let me know how the sales team will be contacting me so I don’t miss their message?
Looking forward to your update. Thanks again for your help!
Apologies again for the inconvenience! You should get an email from sales to the email address you contacted our support team.
Feel free to reach out if you need any further assistance!
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my team too. same needs. Would be really nice have a trial.
But until now, I haven’t been contacted by anyone from Figma.
We would be really happy to step up the plan and adapr our DS if Code Connect will do what they are saying it does.
But because there are dozens of plugins already saying (and not doing well) what Code Connect (pretends to?) does, a trial is a must.
I hope the staff will read this thread and Figma will open to this possibility soon.