I don’t know how many times a day I curse out Figma simply because the copy and paste function throws components I copy within one auto layout or frame into one group OUTSIDE the same auto layout or frame. If I copy and paste, it’s most likely because I expect it to do the pasting in order from where I am working, NOT throwing it out someplace in Montana (just because). I have seen others complain about this since January of 22. Shouldn’t the default copy/paste pattern default to pasting where I am working, not where the grass is green and the horses roam free?
Figma thinks about it mid action “I KNOW… LETS THROW THIS INTO THE NEXT FRAME!”
The worst of this is when you’re expected to design “something quick” on a client call and you’re trying to show off your designer prowess and Figma pastes your components into random frames you haven’t selected or clicked into and it causes all your auto layout logic to break and appear like you’re trying to play the bass guitar with a xylophone.
Why does it do this? What am I missing here? /looking for a friend.