At the moment it is only possible to view screens with viewport 360px with the Google Nexus 5X device in prototyping presentation mode. This device is quite old and has only 640px viewport height.
It would be nice to add custom devices or to have state of the art android devices with viewport 360px width to choose, for example Samsung Galaxy S21 (viewport 360 x 800px)
It’s crucial to have some fancy looking devices for management presentation or usability tests with customer. (Not everyone is designing for iPhones… )
To add to this, would love to see some desktop frames in presentation mode (ie. MacBook Pro). At the very least, a background image for the “Frame” defaults that are provided in Figma.
I think basically being more inclusive around the rest of the world and not all audiences can afford iPhones. Need to get representation for the under-resourced.
I guess this built-in set of viewports is based on a wrong assumption about the market share. Too bad, that we receive quickly newest iPhone devices while Samsung and others are completely ignored. Even if we agree, that US market is our ‘compass’ this is still not right. Surprisingly, we have a few Google Pixel presets, while they have a marginal presence on the market:
Also wondering when this will be sorted, as it limits us. It would be nice to have this feature without the need of using a plugin all the time to get our preset frames.
I’ve noticed there are a bunch of different screen sizes for iOS but only 1 screen size for android. I would recommend adding more screen sizes for android (or Google Pixel screen sizes) in frames so there is more variety for when users are creating android screens. Thanks!
Supporting frames for Pixel phones is pretty obvious. Pixel 4 is pretty standard, and you may as well add the 6. It’s Android, so just cover Pixel and we will be good.
Instead of that, or as an alternative, please let us upload our own devices frames. Those photorealistic frames are pretty dated in terms of presentation anyway. That way we can just specify our own sizes and frames.
Currently, the Google nexus 5x is no longer available. There is now an Android Small, which is not very nice. It just needs more choices of phones. It should not be so difficult to choose as many as possible phones in different sizes. Not everyone wants the iPhone. Or do you only want designers who design on iphone and you don’t care about the others?
I design for Zebra devices- would be great to be able to have that frame added however I know this is a very niche device. The ability to upload your own would be great.