Missing italics for some Google fonts (italic styles are available on Google Fonts)

For example - Montserrat, or Noto Serif:


Variable font sliders are missing Slant as well.

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Hey @Spas - sorry for the trouble! Can I get some additional info from you to cover all bases?

  1. Are the fonts not showing up on both Figma on the web and the Figma desktop?

  2. They’re not appearing across any files you try to use, correct?

  3. Have you already tried completely shutting down your computer, restarting, and seeing if the fonts appear normally?

Let me know.

Hey there! I have kinda fixed the issue by manually installing said fonts locally on my machine. The issue is still there when relying solely on Figma’s Google font library / reference.

  1. Montserrat italics were actually showing up on Figma web, but not on Figma desktop. If I selected an Italic version in the web client, I was getting a “missing font” error in the desktop client. Noto Serif wasn’t showing italics in either web or desktop client. Noto Serif italics are showing up in Figma when I install it locally, but if I remove it, italics no longer show up.
  2. Correct
  3. Yes, as this has been going on for a while through a lot of shut downs, restarts & so on.
