I have a feed view with vertical scrolling. One of the cards has a hover effect - displaying overlay (orange). My problem is that when the overlay is displayed the scrolling stops. To continue scrolling i need to move the mouse out, to hide the overlay and then I can continue.
I have tried playing with overlay settings but sounds like there is nothing Figma can do here to allow scrolling the main form while overlay is still displayed? The only way is to create a full copy of the whole page with that overlay present on it and preserve scrolling position while switching to it?
You can fix that by changing frame size of overlay to 1x1px (or just small) and disabling Clip content - then mouse hover will not count over the overlay, unless u hit that tiny 1x1 square, and content will still be displayed.
I have the same question, for me the soltuion with the 1x1 px frame is not an option. @Gleb you said it will be possible soon. It’s a year now, any good news from the interactive component side?
Thank you @Gleb, so the question for me still is: How can i keep scrolling, klicking and hovering my site, while an overlay is open. For now i can’t do anything when it is open…