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Hi there,

I’m a designer and I need to give access to my files to a developer from outside my organisation.

This developer already has a Figma licence.

I shared my file as a single reader using the Share button, adding the developer’s email address.

When the developer wants to activate dev mode, an alert pops up telling him that he has to make a request to my organisation’s administrators (see attached image).

The problem is that if the administrator accepts his request and unlocks dev mode, we’ll be billed for an additional seat within our organisation… even though the developer already has a Figma licence.

What’s the right way to proceed?

Thanks for your help

image (1)

That’s how Figma’s payment system works.

Thank you for your reply.

I’m very surprised to find out how it works. So there’s no point in a freelance developer having his own Figma licence. Each organisation has to pay for it.

I find that Figma’s business model is not far from forced sales at times. I’m probably too used to the pre-Figma business model.

No, you are right, these are some anti-consuner practices.
