We often build website and app comps with final assets and photography (including some stock assets). We are utilizing the Image Fill feature a lot, instead of adding images and having to mask them individually. This is super convenient, but as we go to purchase final assets or reference the original filename, it is not maintained or indexed in any way.
Are we just missing something? Is there an existing plugin to manage these assets?
It’s incredibly important for many designs to retain the original file names somehow. It’s not always possible to embed 10mb images in the figma, which may be downscaled, thereby not maintaining the desired quality.
Original request was ignored here: forum . figma . com / t / feature-request-retaining-displaying-original-file-name-when-using-image-as-fill / 6566 (I can’t share URLs so replace spaces)
There was a hidden way / wokraround to do this earlier that you have removed.
Clicking on an image and the click “Inspect”.
Original Image name would be visible in CSS background or other code.
Now you have replaced it all with blank image name or image.png. Please bring this back or implement the suggested featured in the other topic.
So, before the latest update, you could go into the code, and it would list the filename of the image. This is now gone and Figma is a little more near me dropping them for it. Does anyone know how to see the image name in placements in the new version?! This is critical in prototyping and I’m pretty surprised we can’t inspect our image details? crazy.
Image handling is SO bad in this program, NO easy why to tell if images are distorted or what % of the original file it’s being displayed at. If an image swops it doesn’t get the correct name. SO bad! do better FIGMA!