Dismiss Memory Usage Banner

  1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this
    I’m getting the yellow warning banner about memory usage and it’s disrupting. I guess the warning is helpful though at 50% of memory used it doesn’t really seem like that’s almost out of memory. I wouldn’t mind it as much if there was a way to easily dismiss it instead of having to reload the tab every time it appears. An “x” to close would be good enough.

  2. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)

  3. Ask questions to bring the community into the conversation
    (e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.
    Anyone else find this disruptive? If you could dismiss it, when would you want it to reappear (e.g. never, each time you open the file, at a set usage amount, etc.)?

Memory available to Figma is not the same as the full computer memory. Each tab get allocated 2GB of memory at most and there is no easy way to know when you are approaching the limit other than the banner at the top. That’s why you can’t dismiss it, it requires you to act and split your file into multiple files. Otherwise you may not be able to edit it in the future and would need to restore the previous versions.

thanks for the response

yeah, I get all that. it makes sense that there’d be an intrusive, persistent message at some point but I just feel like the warning is overkill. if it’s something I can’t dismiss, I’d prefer it to take up less space, so like a much smaller banner, a small warning in the header, or maybe even something on the resource use overlay. I’m working around it anyway by reloading the tab every time it shows up so might as well make it easier to hide, even temporarily


Please make it possible to set the boundary value at which the banner will appear, for example, I would set 85% and that would be enough for me. Or add an option in the settings, something like “I’m crazy and I want to be able to turn off the warnings.”
Seeing a banner on absolutely every page is already very annoying with so a lot of space (thanks at least not red) and I want to get rid of this strange UX solution.

I pray you and lord, do something about it!
Thank you in advance.

What’s really weird is I have created a new project and pasted a very simple frame that caused the full memory red banner. I tried to disassemble every element from the left sidebar and still the moment I put that frame in my view I get the memory full banner!!
Send me your email address and I will share my Figma file.

Or check this video Dropbox - figma memory full.mov - Simplify your life

I also get this message constantly and it’s extremely disruptive.

I understand it but cannot for the life of me keep the thing OFF.

Googled this issue again to realise I’ve been here before. Thanks Figma for no action.

To be fair, my original issue has been resolved. Figma made the usage banner dismissible a little while ago. I don’t think it’s permanently dismissible but that doesn’t really bother me. I also recently noticed there’s a new memory usage notification that appears in the layers panel instead of the top banner so it seems Figma is continuing to evolve the experience.